*Click on the document below to see the Grade 3 Curriculum at a Glance*
Grade 3 Curriculum At A Glance
The following is the list of academic outcomes we will be working on during Term Two:
Language Arts:
> I can understand a variety of mid-grade level texts using cues and comprehension strategies appropriately and effectively.
> I can read with appropriate expression, pace, and fluency.
> I can retell a story describing characters, setting, and events.
> I can create and choose appropriate story beginnings.
> I can organize ideas and information into short paragraphs, with topic and supporting sentences.
> I can write using descriptive words, phrases, and literary devices to add interest and detail.
> I can count the number sequence 0 to 1000 forward and backward by 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s, 25s or 100s using multiple starting points.
> I can estimate quantities less than 1000, using referents (known quantity).
> I can represent and describe numbers to 1000, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
> I can illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 1000.
> I can demonstrate an understanding of addition of numbers with answers to 1000 (limited to 1-, 2- and 3-digit numerals), concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
> I can demonstrate an understanding of subtraction of numbers with answers to 1000 (limited to 1-, 2- and 3-digit numerals), concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
> I can describe, sort, and name the given attributes of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes.
> I can understand that sound is the result of vibration, identify examples of vibration, and demonstrate the larger the vibration, the louder the sound.
> I can describe how the human ear senses vibrations.
> I can recognize that there are ways of measuring the loudness of sounds and that loud sounds pose a danger to the ear.
> I can describe how individuals, groups, and international organizations can contribute to positive change in the world.
> I can demonstrate age-appropriate behavior for social involvement as responsible citizens contributing to the community (e.g. work to improve their school and community).
> I can use finishing touches (accents, contrasts, outlines) to make work more expressive.
> I can create an original piece of artwork based on a prompt.
> I can recognize the instruments of the four families of the orchestra: string, woodwind, brass, and percussion.
> I can participate cooperatively in music activities and actively engage in my own learning.
> I can explain how the Holy Spirit is revealed through Bible stories and scriptures.
> I can describe how Spiritual gifts help people to continue Jesus’ work on Earth.
Health & Life Skills:
> I can explain guidelines from Canada’s Food Guide to individual nutritional circumstances.